Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Peddle Peddle

Here is Blake Pedaling one of the trikes at daycare!! I was so excited that my little boy is now a BIG boy!!! All the girls at work were giving me heck for how excited I got, but I told them that it was an awesome achievement and that my little man is growing up right before my eyes!!!! Everytime is he on the bike now is says "Mommy, Look at me, I'm going fast!!!" He is tooo cute!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This past weekend we had Ellie stay the night! We have been trying to plan a sleepover for a couple months now and it finally worked out!! Her and Blake have so much fun, and between the two of them they have so much energy it makes a person sick!!! Saturday night the kids played for awhile we ate supper and then watched a movie (which lasted about 30 min) then it was off to bed. Ellie was so excited because she got to sleep with Aunt Jamie in her bed and Seth had to sleep on the couch!! HAHA... Sunday we got up had breakfast (cereal, everyones favorite) then Ellie and I made puppy chow and cookies, while Seth and Blake were out scouting deer:) And finally we got some bowling in on Ellie's Wii, Papa even came over to join in the game!! Blake was so persistent that he was going to play too, so we let him have a go at it and what do you know after about the 20th time he actually got a STRIKE!!! He was so excited, even though he didn't know what he had just done:) PRICELESS!!! Anyway we had so much fun and always enjoy have Miss Ellie for sleepovers, pretty soon Malia will be able to join in the mix!!!!!!!

Blake and Ellie being silly while eating their chips!!


Wii Time

Dad doing a dance because HE got a strike!!

PUPPY CHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween and Big Boy Bed

Just wanted to show everyone our little MONKEY at Halloween and Blake in his BIG BOY BED!!! Nothing else new around here just working on getting done with my last month of classes for the semester.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Taking a break....

So I just wanted everyone to know that I am going to take a little break from my blog!! I know I know most of you are saying taking a little break you never do it anyways, well that is why i'm letting you know now that I won't be updating for awhile until I get things caught up!! I'm not giving up on blogging, just need to take a break and figured I would let you all know so you don't waste your time looking at my blog and I have no updates!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beautiful Fall!!

It has been awhile since I have posted last, sorry guys you are just going to have to bare with me here, i'm trying my best with school, and work and Blakers... Recap of the past couple of weeks: Last Friday I had a half a day off to get much needed school work done, I got done around 3 so I called up Jodi to see if I could pick Ellie up from school and grab Malia to go to the park and play for awhile so her and Adam could get some stuff done with Ellies room. We enjoyed playing at the park then to my house for ice cream and more playing in the backyard on the swingset, the kids had a BLAST and so did I. Saturday night the Lansinks came over to our house for a BBQ (see Jodis blog for pics) we figured we better get another one in before the weather started getting to bad on us, it was a good time and some good food!!! Maybe we can squeeze another one in!!! Then the rest of the week was school and work again. This past week was homecoming here in town so Thursday night we went up the parade, short and sweet but the kids loved it, Blake especially he was SOOOOOO excited about the fire trucks (again Jodis blog for pictures, I was helping get candy so I only got one pre-parade picture) I didn't realize that Blake liked fire trucks so much, he is STILL talking about them, he is too darn cute... Other than that nothing else has been going on I got my front yard decorated for Fall, I still want to add some more, but atleast I got the cornstalks up now before Seth has to leave on the road for the next couple of weeks:( This will only be the second time he has been gone all summer, which is unusual, so it kinda stinks... Now off to another week, lots of projects and MIDTERMS (aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Wish me luck!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

1 YEAR!!

Can you believe it, Seth and I have been married a year already, crazy, where does the time go?? We have had an awesome first year, and can't wait for many many more years to come!! In celebration Seth and I went to Omaha this last weekend and stayed at the Settle Inn, in one of the theme rooms, it was AMAZING!! The Lansinks watched Blake for us for the night. We didn't do much while in Omaha, we went out to eat at the Olive Garden (my FAV) then back to the motel and watched TV... Nothing too interesting but it was nice spending time ALONE (which we NEVER get to do anymore) and we were sleeping by 10:30!!! Thank you Lansinks for watching Blakers for us, it sounds like he had a blast and i'm glad he was good for you:) The big joke around here for the past year has been our damn cake in the freezer!! I am superstitious sometimes and so I saved the top of our cake so we could eat it tonight, Seth has been waiting all year to get that thing out of our freezer, he doesn't have to wait any longer!! Sorry there are no pictures of anything, leave it to me:)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lots to Post!!

So its been a little bit since I have posted, I know I know there are no excuses!! Just busy with school!! Anyways these past couple weeks not a whole lot has been going on just the same old same old, going to work and going to school!! Last week the local fire department had their annual BBQ with rides for the kids on the fire trucks, we thought it sounded pretty fun and I didn't have to cook so I was all for it:) We called up Jodi and asked if Ellie would like to go with, and of course, she was even sitting on the front step waiting for us to pick her up, it was too cute!! Her and Blake had a blast, they thought that was so cool to be riding ontop of a fire truck!! Also last week I got a sand and water table for Blake from Christi, and Blake LOVED LOVED LOVED it, he couldn't get enough, he thought it was the coolest thing ever, he kept giggling and saying "mommy, ook it" who knew something so simple could make a childs day like that, thanks Christi for filling Jodi and I in about your sale!!! Other then that nothing else has really been going on, I have a few other pictures to throw in, ones of Blake with blocks at daycare, he built that all by himself, I thought it was pretty amazing myself:) and the other pictures of my finished office (almost finished, need some odds and ends yet) that I haven't posted yet!! I'm not sure if I have any before pictures or not, but here are the after ones and if I find before I will be for sure to post them for everyone to see how different this room is (went from being a salon to an office)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Fun with MOM!!!

This past weekend my mom was able to make it back to visit, it has been 8 months!!! That is way too long, definetly won't let that happen again... We had such a good time!! We just hung out Friday night and grilled some food for supper, Saturday was spent hanging out, going out to eat, then having a porch party at my house, we had SO MUCH fun, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard in my life... The next two days were again spent relaxing and hanging out... Thanks mom for making it back to see us, we miss you SOOOOOOOOOOO much and Love you and can't wait to plan the next trip to see you:)

(Check out Jodis blog for more pics)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Yesterday was Blakes 2nd birthday, it is so hard to believe he is already 2, where does the time go!! This year was so much fun because he knew that it was his birthday and that the presents and cake were his, it was too cute. Blake loves Elmo or should I say "MELMO" so we had an Elmo birthday party at the City Park here in town. I thought I would try my hand once more on the cake decorating thing and what do you know I succeeded and made an elmo cupcake cake, I was SOOOO excited on how well it turned out!! Blake came downstairs from his nap and saw the cake and went nuts, "MELMO MELMO MELMO" it was too funny, so then I knew if he knew what it was then we were in!! Everything turned out wonderful Blake got lots of wonderful presents and CAN'T get enough of them today, he even wore a pair of his new jammies he got last night and wouldn't let me take them off of him today until after naptime!! So he was pretty excited... Thank you to everyone that could celebrate Blakes 2nd birthday with us!!!


Here are the photos from our Zoo weekend!! I know its late but like they say "Better late then never" HAHA

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Soon to come!!

Sorry everyone my camera died while we were at the zoo on Saturday and I forgot to charge it, but i am putting it on the charger as soon as i'm done here so I will have a post for you tomorrow... Please stay tuned for the fun filled photos, I hope I guess I haven't seen them yet... HAHA

Friday, July 25, 2008

The end to a long week!!!

Here we are FINALLY its Friday!! YEAH... It has been a very long week and its almost over!! We started out this week with little bubblers at the rec center, and Blake loves it, he is a little fish anyways. I wasn't sure if I was going to put him in the class or not but after taking him to the pool one night and saw how much he loved to swim I decided we had to. The rest of the week was spent just hanging out, we went over to the Lansinks on Tuesday night and played outside for a little while and then went for a little bike ride. Seth got home Wednesday night which was nice, I dont like when he is gone on the road, so hopefully now he will be home for a little while again before heading back out on the road. Yesterday was my birthday, the day was spent working and getting a million 'Happy Birthdays' from all the kids at daycare, it was so cute. I ended the night with a party over at the Lansinks house, I was so lucky that everyone was able to be there, everything was great the cake the pizza and of course my presents!! HAHA Thank you so much to everyone for getting together to celebrate with me, it means a lot, and thanks again for the presents I will get a lot of use out of all of them... Now i'm off to work for 1 more day, then the last night of bubblers and then the start of the weekend. We are headed to the Zoo tomorrow so we will have lots more to post about this weekend.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Weekend

WOW!! This weekend was a busy one. We started the weekend off on Friday celebrating Seths Birthday!!! (and the 4th of course) When we woke up Friday morning we noticed that our backyard was decorated for the 4th. Seths mom and his sister had done the wonderful decorating for him, it was pretty funny. We ordered Casey's pizza and had Seth's mom come over for pizza and cake. After a much needed nap for Blake we headed to Anthon to Seth's aunt and uncles house for a BBQ and fireworks, it was so much fun, Blake LOVED the fireworks!!! Saturday we had a day of cleaning up the house and resting for another busy night, we headed out to one of Seth's friends' house for a BBQ and fireworks as well, once again the food was great and the fireworks were awesome as well, Blake wasn't as interested the second time around though he was too busy climbing on Ellie to even pay attention!! Then today Sunday I threw Seth a little birthday BBQ at our house and invited over both our families, and of course today had to be the HOTTEST one all weekend, I was so mad, but everything went great we ate some food, opened cards and had cake and ice cream!! Thanks everyone for everything this weekend and glad to see you all on Sunday!! Well that sums it up for our busy weekend, we are off to bed for another busy week, Seth has to be on the road this week:( So mom needs as much rest as she can to man her wild one!! HAHA
Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well!!! HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!


Well here it is again another what month since i posted last... I go in sperts I guess:) Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks that I have taken to post so here they are...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Shoes

Tonight Seth, Blake and I went and visited Granny Jo (Seths Grandma) and much to our surprise when we got there she had bought Blakers a new pair of shoes!! It was a total surprise, Blake was sooooo excited for the simple fact that he LOVES shoes, I joke about that being the 'girl' in him:) HAHA... The shoes are too cute and of course Blake loves them because they are light up ones:) Blake is so lucky to have such wonderful Grandparents and Great Grandparents!!! Anyways just wanted to share with you Blake and his new shoes...
(Picture of Blake not so wonderful though!!!)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend

What a weekend, we had a blast and got LOTS done around the hosue... We started the weekend off on Saturday by going to Omaha with the Lansinks, we wanted to go to the Zoo but there was rain in the forecast so we went to the Children's Museum instead, GREAT IDEA and the kids had a blast, it was sooo much fun... I think we are all kicking ourselves for not going to the Zoo, oh well we are still planning on going this summer though... After the museum we went out to eat and to the Mart for a new computer desk, I am so excited that our room is almost done now after how many months HAHA but by the 7th it will be done (has to be done that is when our desk is coming) I will have more pictures then... When we got home Seth decided to power wash our deck, and oh my goodness was that disgusting, it is like a night and day difference it looks so good, now if the rain would stay away we could get it water sealed and be done with that project... Sunday was a relaxing day somewhat, we did some yard work but it was so miserable hot outside, after we did get some stuff done we headed over to the Lansinks so the kids could play for a little bit, they have so much fun together... Today it was a lot nicer out and we got A LOT done, I got all the rocks taken out of our front flower bed and planted flowers... I had ordered those Instant Flower Garden rolls that you see on TV and they have been on backorder and I got sick of waiting so we just went and bought flowers instead, I needed some color out front... So we got the flower bed planted and also some along side our house, so lets hope they grow I don't have much of a green thumb:) That was about it for our weekend, it was a much needed weekend and thankfully the weather was nice that we did get what we wanted done around here... Hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend as well... Can't wait til 4th of July another 3 day weekend and its Seths birthday:) HAHA... Can you tell I don't like going to work:)

Sorry I didn't get a picture of the flowers alonside the house, my camera died right as I was taking the picture, for the next post!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm a slacker... I know

Ok so I know ALL of you have been waiting for me to post, I can't say I have been really busy just tired and trying to get my schooling all figured out... I went to Council Bluffs last week and found out I only have 5 classes left to take and 4 of them I am taking in the Fall... I was so excited, I will be a college graduate by this time next year... YEAH YEAH!! Other then that just been working and getting a lot of yard work and outside work done!!! I have several pictures so I just put them on a slide show, so ENJOY!!!