Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Shoes

Tonight Seth, Blake and I went and visited Granny Jo (Seths Grandma) and much to our surprise when we got there she had bought Blakers a new pair of shoes!! It was a total surprise, Blake was sooooo excited for the simple fact that he LOVES shoes, I joke about that being the 'girl' in him:) HAHA... The shoes are too cute and of course Blake loves them because they are light up ones:) Blake is so lucky to have such wonderful Grandparents and Great Grandparents!!! Anyways just wanted to share with you Blake and his new shoes...
(Picture of Blake not so wonderful though!!!)


Jodi Lansink said...

I really like the new shoes. Ellie

Anonymous said...

Real cool shoes! Yes, Blakers was a little bit of a mess there!
You gotta love it!