Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Weekend

WOW!! This weekend was a busy one. We started the weekend off on Friday celebrating Seths Birthday!!! (and the 4th of course) When we woke up Friday morning we noticed that our backyard was decorated for the 4th. Seths mom and his sister had done the wonderful decorating for him, it was pretty funny. We ordered Casey's pizza and had Seth's mom come over for pizza and cake. After a much needed nap for Blake we headed to Anthon to Seth's aunt and uncles house for a BBQ and fireworks, it was so much fun, Blake LOVED the fireworks!!! Saturday we had a day of cleaning up the house and resting for another busy night, we headed out to one of Seth's friends' house for a BBQ and fireworks as well, once again the food was great and the fireworks were awesome as well, Blake wasn't as interested the second time around though he was too busy climbing on Ellie to even pay attention!! Then today Sunday I threw Seth a little birthday BBQ at our house and invited over both our families, and of course today had to be the HOTTEST one all weekend, I was so mad, but everything went great we ate some food, opened cards and had cake and ice cream!! Thanks everyone for everything this weekend and glad to see you all on Sunday!! Well that sums it up for our busy weekend, we are off to bed for another busy week, Seth has to be on the road this week:( So mom needs as much rest as she can to man her wild one!! HAHA
Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well!!! HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a fun and busy weekend! Happy Birthday Seth!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Wow----an update!!!! It was a fun weekend!!!