Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Peddle Peddle

Here is Blake Pedaling one of the trikes at daycare!! I was so excited that my little boy is now a BIG boy!!! All the girls at work were giving me heck for how excited I got, but I told them that it was an awesome achievement and that my little man is growing up right before my eyes!!!! Everytime is he on the bike now is says "Mommy, Look at me, I'm going fast!!!" He is tooo cute!!!


Anonymous said...

Your right he's growing up.. just wait till him and me are riding motorcycles together in a few years!!
Love you,
DAD :)

Jodi Lansink said...

That is cute! It's ok to get sappy about stuff like that---YOU'RE A MOM! You are entitled!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Blake!! What a big boy!!

Love ya!!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Blake!! What a big boy!!

Love ya!!!!