Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm a slacker... I know

Ok so I know ALL of you have been waiting for me to post, I can't say I have been really busy just tired and trying to get my schooling all figured out... I went to Council Bluffs last week and found out I only have 5 classes left to take and 4 of them I am taking in the Fall... I was so excited, I will be a college graduate by this time next year... YEAH YEAH!! Other then that just been working and getting a lot of yard work and outside work done!!! I have several pictures so I just put them on a slide show, so ENJOY!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Hey Slacker! HEHE

It's ok-----we just know we get apost from you once a month! LOL

Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Finally Jamie! I've been waiting for new pictures to look at!

Love you anyway!