Saturday, November 20, 2010

TKD--- Yellow Belt

Blake had testing Thursday night for TaeKwonDo!! They have been working really hard these past couple of months on their moves so we were excited to see how testing would go!!

Blake really had no idea what the testing meant really, he just thought he was going to class like usual!! We practiced his moves before we went and he was doing good, I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect or what they were even going to do really!!

Blake did AWESOME, he is the youngest one in the class and the instructer said he was doing really good for being so young!!

The kids did their normal stretching, then worked on their moves a little... Once done with that the instructor seperated the younger ones from the older ones and they had to do their steps!!

All the kids did so good... They even got to BREAK A BOARD!!!!!! This came as a complete surprise to all of us new comers!! We had NO IDEA!!

Blake was the first one up... I was super nervous, I didn't really know what he would do, if he would get nervous and not do it or go for it, and sure enough he walked right up there, listened to the instructer explain what he needed to do and he BROKE THE BOARD in the FIRST hit!! It was AMAZING, I was on cloud 9 just watching him, he was beyond EXCITED!!!

After all was said and done, the whole class graduated up a belt, from white to white with a yellow stripe!!! I am so glad Blake likes this and hope he sticks it out for years to come!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Great Job Blakers!!! Those are awesome videos!!

Lori said...

Oh my gosh! Those videos are so cool! Good Job Blakers!!! Nana is SO proud of you! I am almost tearing up!!!!

Lori said...

Oh my gosh! Those videos are so cool! Good Job Blakers!!! Nana is SO proud of you! I am almost tearing up!!!!