Monday, August 23, 2010


Ok so I know this is a couple weeks past due, but atleast I'm getting it up!! HA!!

The beginning of August we made a trip out to Denver to see my Mom and the rest of our Colorado family:) It has been several years since we have been out there, so was very nice to get back there again!! We had lots of fun playing in my aunt lisa's pool, going to an amusement park called the Lakeside, shopping, EATING, a trip into the mountains, and did I mention SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING!!!

I made the crazy 10 hour drive ALONE, well following Adam and Jodi but I drove with my 2 babies all by myself:) HEHE!! Blake and Kendra were AMAZING though, I seriously couldn't have asked for better children at that time!! Seth couldn't take the whole week off of work, so he flew out on Thursday night to be able to spend a couple days with us!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Colorado family for EVERYTHING!! We had SOO much fun and miss it so much!! Hope to get out there again soon!!

Make sure to check out my sister Jodi's blog for more pictures!!

My pictures aren't in any special order, just put them up!!


Amy Walter said...

Looks like you all had an amazing time with family - making great memories. Kuddos to you for driving all by yourself with two little ones! Happy to hear they were well behaved for you!

Jodi Lansink said...

We had a great vacation!!!!

Lori said...

We did have a blast!! I just wish we lived closer! Think of all the fun memories we could have!