Thursday, August 19, 2010

10 Months

Miss Kendra at 10 months!! She is quite the little girl!! She is full of energy and very curious, she is a STINKER!! Has quite the little attitude anymore, its so funny how much of a difference there is between a boy and a girl:) She has been walking officially since the day after I put up that video on here:) Can't believe in a little over a month she will be 1... WOW!! Hard to believe this time last year I was pregnant with her:)


Jodi Lansink said...

She's a cute little walker!!! She's a sweetheart!

Lori said...

She is just so cute! I was happy to spend some time with her and got to know her little personality a little better! She is just precious! Pretty soon she will be a whole year old!! Yay!!