Monday, August 23, 2010


Today was Blake's first day of 4 year old preschool which is 5 days a week in the mornings!! He has been so excited to start school, I think mainly because he was ready to get away from Mommy and Kendra, HA!! Last year Blake was in the 3 year old program that is only 2 afternoons a week, and most days it was rough for him, he would cry and throw a fit when I left him or if he saw me (I worked at the school and got off work the same time he came to school) So I was a little worried about how things were going to go this morning, but he did AWESOME, he found his hook and hung up his bag, went into the room and told me, "Mom, I have to find my B, cuz that is where I sit" so we found his B and he sat down and started playing with the table toys!! It made me the proudest mom in the world that he didn't cry:) We will see how the rest of the week goes, I have my fingers crossed for good days:)


Lori said...

What a big boy! I'm sure Blake will LOVE school!! He is so darn cute!

Amy Walter said...

He looks so grown up! Hopefully he will LOVE preschool this year!