Monday, August 9, 2010


Today 8/9/10 is Blake's 4th birthday:) It is hard to believe that he is 4 already!!

We sort of lounged around for a little while today (trying to play catch up from being gone) Blake got to go hang out with Grandpa Craig, which always makes both of them happy:) I asked Blake what he wanted for supper and of course he wanted PIZZA!! He was very excited to find out that daddy was coming home tonight just for him!! When Seth got home Blake got to open a couple of little presents from us, we ate our pizza and sang happy birthday and had cupcakes!!

We will be having his family birthday party this weekend!! So will have lots of pictures too post from that!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAKE ALLAN!! Mommy and Daddy love you VERY VERY much!!


Jodi Lansink said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAKE!!!!! He is such a ball full of energy, and has a great imagination! He is such a fun little boy!!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Blakers! I hope you have a great time at your Transformers party!!
Nana loves you very much!