Sunday, August 29, 2010

11 Months

Miss Kendra is 11 months old already!!

She's a full time walker * Has 8 teeth * Says 'DADA" ALL the time * Is almost always happy but can throw a tantrum like no other too!! * LOVES to be outside

I have started planning her birthday party and I am SOOOO excited for it!! i'm not going to lie I am a little sad knowing that she is almost 1 but am excited for the years to come and to see how to grows!!


Lori said...

She is absolutely the cutest thing! I love this child!

Jodi Lansink said...

ADORABLE!! Love the ROMPER!!!!! :) I am also excited for her birthday---it's fun having a little girl huh?!?!

Amy Walter said...

She is so cute!