Saturday, July 28, 2007


Ok sorry about the mix up but I have a few videos from my shower along with the one of blake playing with the balloons, but for some reason either I am computer stupid today or what but my photobucket says it downloaded my videos but they are now where to be found on the site, so I will have to do some more figureing out or get Jodi to figure it out for me:) HEHE but they will be up real soon I promise... For those of you that give me heck about not posting here ya go, here are 3 posts in 1 day... Thats a record I do believe!!! Stay tuned for the videos


Jodi Lansink said...

I am speaking for mom and I both...but where are these vidoes you are talking about???????

Jamie said...

I have been trying to get them downloaded but it wont work... Otherwise I would put them up!! I'm working on it

Anonymous said...

Where is Blake's Happy Birthday post????? You have about an hour to get it up before his birthday is over. :-(