Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bridal Shower

Today was my bridal shower, Jodi, Katie, and Theresa threw it for me. It was great I had so much fun!! We played the game of questions, Jodi had asked Seth some questions and I had to answer them correctly or I had to chew a piece of gum, I did ok, but I sure did had a big piece of gum in my mouth when I was done!! Lets just say when Seth gets home he's got some explaining to do with some of those answers!! HEHE. Then we played toilet paper bride where someone wrapped me and Jennifer up in toilet paper as though we had wedding dresses on, it was rather funny, I thought mine turned out pretty good!! HEH It turned out great and I got a lot of nice things:) I am so excited to use them:) hehe... Thank you to my bridesmaids for throwing the shower for me, it meant a lot and it was so much fun, I dont think that I will eat gum again for a VERY long time!!

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