Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fun Filled Weekend

This past weekend was a busy busy weekend! Seth and I started off the weekend going to Sioux City for the day to get some wedding things done. Sunday we had Ellies birthday party at Pizza Hut and then we had a family get together on Seths side of the family at his Grandmas house after that! Blake was loving all the attention he was getting at Ellies party and at the get together, it kind of scares me he is that little and already knows how to 'work it'!!! HAHA I have a few pictures of the weekend!

Blakers after swimming!!

Blake with Grandpa Bob on the motorcycle!!

Mommy and Blake feeding the ducks! He didn't know what to think:)

Blake surrounded by ALL the girls, he was loving it!! He is such a flirt:)

Blake wanting to give hugs!!

Blake with Aiden and Elliot!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good God Jamie!! Will you update your post already????
Please, pretty pretty please??