Saturday, July 28, 2007


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Last Tuesday the 24th was my birthday, the big 22!! Seth took me out to eat wherever I wanted to go, so I chose PIZZA HUT!!!!!!! I know I know your all prolly laughing right now, but thats what I wanted, we hadn't been there for awhile (well I guess Ellies birthday) After we ate we went to Jodis to have cake and ice cream, Dad and Grandma and Grandpa stopped over as well. It was really nice and I had lots of fun, I got lots of cards, and even balloons from my Dad!! I have some pictures of the cake and of my balloons and of Blakers playing with the balloons, HE LOVED THEM!!
Thanks again to Jodi and Ellie for the cake, and Grandma, Grandpa and Dad for joining us, it meant a lot!!

Ellie asked me the day before my birthday what kind of party I was having!! I told her I wasn't having a party like hers, and she looked a little disappointed so when I got to Jodis for cake and ice cream she got out ellies little mermaid napkins and plates and we had a little mermaid party just like Ellie!! It was too funny:)

Here is my beautiful cake that Jodi and Ellie decorated so nice for me:) Thanks again it meant a lot to me

Blakers was getting tired, so he was trying to lay down on Seth!! He sure is silly:)

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