Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today was the big day for Blakers getting his tubes in his ears... It has been a long process leading up to this day, he has had so many ear infections and ear problems since he was 3 months old, so lets hope that these tubes do some wonders... Dad joined me this morning at the hosptal, so that was nice having someone there with me, it is such a simple procedure but its still the process that is a little scary! We were at the hospital by 7 this morning and back home by 8:15, so yes it is definetly a simple procedure... Dr. Wellendorf came out after they were done and told us Blake had so much puss build up behind his ear drum that it is a wonder that he even was sleeping at night because he was sure he was in so much pain... That explains all the LONG LONG nights that we have had with Blake!! But it is done now and hopefully we will see a world of difference in him, poor guy:) Well enough rambling, Blake is doing just fine he was a little fussy this morning but other then that he has been great... I didn't take any pictures today of Blake before and after surgery I thought that would be a little funny... So I just took one of him tonight with a big smile on his face!!!

Happy Birthday Dad

Yeah Yeah I know it was a couple days ago, but its the thought that counts... My Dads birthday was on Tuesday so Sunday night we had Pizza, cake and ice cream at my Grandparents house!! I won't go into too much detail because you have all read it on Jodis Blog!!! So here are some pictures of the lovely time that we had at dads BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!

Blakes 1st hair cut!!

This last Saturday we decided that it was time for Blake to get a little trim on his hair, it was starting to get a little crazy:) So we took him in for his first hair cut!! It was very interesting and I probably could have done it myself at home for as little as he got cut off (which you can barely tell he got his hair cut in the pictures anyways) but it was still a big milestone in our lives!! Here are a few pictures of the BIG EVENT!!! LOL

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The past Month and a half of BLAKERS!!!!

Ok for everyone that has been dieing to see how much little Blake has been growing here are some random pictures of Blake through out the past month or so... Mom I am really sorry that I haven't gotten many posts up for you, but hey here you get to look at a ton all at once!!! HAHA

Past month and a half updates!!! HAHA

Well here it is, the past month and halfs updates for everyone... I know it has taken me forever and that everyone has been getting mad... This slideshow has the daycares Halloween party (yes i said Halloween) and a friend of ours Halloween party that we took Ellie along to, where she enjoyed skating eating LOTS AND LOTS of M&M's and playing with Kadon Katie Lampes little boy!!! And also we have Jodis Birthday thrown in there as well.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I just have to laugh at myself really:)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sleep Over

Well this past weekend while Jodi and Adam enjoyed getting away, Seth and I watched Ellie for the night!! I decided beings I don't get to spend to much time with Ellie like I used to that we needed to do something fun, so we took her and Blake to Chuck E Cheese in Sioux City!! She had so much fun playing all the games, she did most all of them but stayed at the skee ball the most!! We got tons of tickets and she got some pretty 'COOL' prizes!! I think her favorite part about it all was that she got to sleep with Aunt Jamie and we kicked Seth out onto the couch!! HAHA she thought that was pretty funny:) We had a blast and I'm already planning another sleepover for sometime!!

Well that is it because FORGETFULL JAMIE didn't bring her camera with her to Sioux City so I have NO pictures of anything!! I need to get better at remembering my darn camera! Most of the time it is in my purse, but i took it out to do my wedding blog and never put it back in there!! GO FIGURE!! So sorry Jodi no pictures of the fun time!! You will all just have to visualize how much fun we had!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Well it has been a week now that Seth and I have been married!!! YEAH:) I am so glad all that is over, the stress is well worth it though. Everything went WONDERFUL I couldn't have asked for a better day!! I have to give myself a pat on the back for getting everything done that was supposed to be done, and also a HUGE THANK YOU to my wonderful BIG SISTER who pushed me and pushed me to get all those things done!! Thank you again Jodi and everyone else for helping me get ready for the special day and for sharing that day with Seth and I, it meant A LOT!! The slide show starts out with my bachelorette party!! I won't go into much detail because you all heard about it on Jodis blog, but we went to sioux city got nails and toes done, did some shopping, ate some supper and then went gambling and bowling!! I had a blast, it was great to get out with the girls and have some fun:) Then the wedding pictures are after that!! Hope you all enjoy:)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Coming Soon

Ok so by now I know you have all stopped looking at my blog and are calling me bad names and getting really upset with me... Well I have news for you all... I am back in business and am going to try to update my blog more often, we got the wedding done and over with so i don't have that to worry about anymore... I have some pictures of the wedding but only the reception, my camera is charging so i will get those on here ASAP... The wedding went great I couldn't have asked for a better day!! Will have pictures soon...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Blakes Birthday Party

Sorry it took me so long to get this up, I have been busy. But here it is. Last Sunday we had Blakes 1st birthday party here at our house! Everything turned out great! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with Blake:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Coming Soon

Hey everyone just wanted to let you know that I started my new job on Monday, and things are going good. Its taking some time to get used to it and being away from Blakers but everything seems to be working out ok!! I started up at the ECC at Sealed With A Kid daycare:) Right up my ally!! And I just found out yesterday that myself and the other girl I work with get to start working in the 2 year old room on Monday!! We get to organize the room and get to plan all the activities and everything for the day!! I am so excited to finally start using my schooling:) I will let you all know how it turns out next week.

Also I PROMISE I will have Blakes birthday party stuff up tomorrow for you, I have been so tired and busy after I get home from work at 6, I just haven't wanted to do it! But tomorrow I dont have to work because Jodi and I are going to Davids Bridal to get my dress alterations, so I should be home early and can get it done!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Blakes new Fire Truck

Here are the pictures of Blake on his new fire truck from Nana Lori!!!

Blake trying to stand on his truck!!

Blake getting on by himself!! He was determined to do it by himself and he did:)

Look Nana "NO HANDS" he is silly... and instead of putting his feet on the ground he likes to put them up on the front of the truck and just lounge!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Well its finally here Blakers turned the big 1! Its so hard to believe that we finally made it... We started off the day with Ellie calling to sing Blake 'Happy Birthday', then blake opened a couple presents from Nana Judy and Nana Lori, he loved them and loved unwrapping them:) Papa brought him some balloons and Grandma and Grandpa Schafer stopped by to wish him a happy b-day!! We also stopped by Adam and Jodis for a little bit so Blake and Ellie could play!! I thought I should keep the family tradition going by getting Blake some PIZZA for supper, so I stopped at Caseys and got him a piece of pizza:) Unfortunetly Seth was on the road working so wasn't able to be home, but he called and talked to blake on the phone:) Blake will have his big party on Sunday with family and friends, I can't wait!! So I will have a lot more posts coming up for all of you:) HEHE... Thanks to everyone who made Blakes 1st birthday GREAT!! (even if he had NO clue what so ever!!) I have some pictures from the day!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAKERS

Also Nana Lori, sorry I didn't get any pictures of Blake with his fire truck yet, he went to bed before I could take any!! I will post them first thing tomorrow!! I PROMISE!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Ok sorry about the mix up but I have a few videos from my shower along with the one of blake playing with the balloons, but for some reason either I am computer stupid today or what but my photobucket says it downloaded my videos but they are now where to be found on the site, so I will have to do some more figureing out or get Jodi to figure it out for me:) HEHE but they will be up real soon I promise... For those of you that give me heck about not posting here ya go, here are 3 posts in 1 day... Thats a record I do believe!!! Stay tuned for the videos

Bridal Shower

Today was my bridal shower, Jodi, Katie, and Theresa threw it for me. It was great I had so much fun!! We played the game of questions, Jodi had asked Seth some questions and I had to answer them correctly or I had to chew a piece of gum, I did ok, but I sure did had a big piece of gum in my mouth when I was done!! Lets just say when Seth gets home he's got some explaining to do with some of those answers!! HEHE. Then we played toilet paper bride where someone wrapped me and Jennifer up in toilet paper as though we had wedding dresses on, it was rather funny, I thought mine turned out pretty good!! HEH It turned out great and I got a lot of nice things:) I am so excited to use them:) hehe... Thank you to my bridesmaids for throwing the shower for me, it meant a lot and it was so much fun, I dont think that I will eat gum again for a VERY long time!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Last Tuesday the 24th was my birthday, the big 22!! Seth took me out to eat wherever I wanted to go, so I chose PIZZA HUT!!!!!!! I know I know your all prolly laughing right now, but thats what I wanted, we hadn't been there for awhile (well I guess Ellies birthday) After we ate we went to Jodis to have cake and ice cream, Dad and Grandma and Grandpa stopped over as well. It was really nice and I had lots of fun, I got lots of cards, and even balloons from my Dad!! I have some pictures of the cake and of my balloons and of Blakers playing with the balloons, HE LOVED THEM!!
Thanks again to Jodi and Ellie for the cake, and Grandma, Grandpa and Dad for joining us, it meant a lot!!

Ellie asked me the day before my birthday what kind of party I was having!! I told her I wasn't having a party like hers, and she looked a little disappointed so when I got to Jodis for cake and ice cream she got out ellies little mermaid napkins and plates and we had a little mermaid party just like Ellie!! It was too funny:)

Here is my beautiful cake that Jodi and Ellie decorated so nice for me:) Thanks again it meant a lot to me

Blakers was getting tired, so he was trying to lay down on Seth!! He sure is silly:)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Fun in the Sun... At Crawford

This weekend was our 2nd annual Crawford Creek get together. Friday night Seth and Blake and I and Jodi and Adam and the girls all stayed at the cabin, we grilled, went in the boat, and sat by the camp fire. Katie and Kadon came out along with Theresa and Jeremy. Saturday we all met back out at the cabin and had a fun filled day of fishing, grilling and eating S'mores AGAIN!! We were all tuckered out by time we got home Saturday night but got up early Sunday morning to head back out there for 1 more day of fun!! Grandpa had steaks for all of us, so we had our steak fry and did some more fishing and boating around the pond!! Thank you Grandpa and Grandma so much for doing this for the family, it means so much to us, and we had a really fun time!! Everything was great!!

Fun Filled Weekend!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hey Everyone

Ok I know you are all getting mad that I haven't posted in awhile, but as busy as we have been i don't really have too many pictures of anything. I promise after this weekends adventure at Crawford with the family I will have lots to talk about and pictures to show you all... Sorry for the delay...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fun Filled Weekend

This past weekend was a busy busy weekend! Seth and I started off the weekend going to Sioux City for the day to get some wedding things done. Sunday we had Ellies birthday party at Pizza Hut and then we had a family get together on Seths side of the family at his Grandmas house after that! Blake was loving all the attention he was getting at Ellies party and at the get together, it kind of scares me he is that little and already knows how to 'work it'!!! HAHA I have a few pictures of the weekend!

Blakers after swimming!!

Blake with Grandpa Bob on the motorcycle!!

Mommy and Blake feeding the ducks! He didn't know what to think:)

Blake surrounded by ALL the girls, he was loving it!! He is such a flirt:)

Blake wanting to give hugs!!

Blake with Aiden and Elliot!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

The 4th is also Seths birthday so I started off the day by making him cupcakes!! The decorations were slightly thrown together, the best I could do!! HEHE Blake gave Seth his card and then we let him take about a 3 hour nap yesterday! Daddy is pretty lucky, I would like a 3 hour nap:) Other then that we didn't do anything else for his birthday besides go to Mike and Chellies house for a 4th get together. Seth is pretty lucky to have his birthday on the 4th because there is ALWAYS something going on!! That was about the extent of our day... (The cupcakes aren't missing any letters they are just written in white gel on top of white frosting, told you it was just thrown together)