Sunday, November 25, 2007

Past month and a half updates!!! HAHA

Well here it is, the past month and halfs updates for everyone... I know it has taken me forever and that everyone has been getting mad... This slideshow has the daycares Halloween party (yes i said Halloween) and a friend of ours Halloween party that we took Ellie along to, where she enjoyed skating eating LOTS AND LOTS of M&M's and playing with Kadon Katie Lampes little boy!!! And also we have Jodis Birthday thrown in there as well.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I just have to laugh at myself really:)


Jodi Lansink said...

I can't believe it!!!! ....where are the cute random pics of Blake?!?! Like the Carthart ones and bathtub one?!?!?! Keep em coming....I'll be waiting for the next one!!!!

Jamie said...

Goodness just give me a minute!!! It is up now!!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

I am pretty impatient!!!! Can you tell!?!?! I'm glad you got some updates up...NANA WILL BE THRILLED ALSO!!!!!!