Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2 and 3 challenges- Computer Desk & Tupperware cupboard

Today's challenge was to clean off the top of our computer desk!! WELL we sold our computer desk a couple of weeks ago and haven't replaced it yet:( So sadly all our computer desk stuff is on the floor in our bedroom, BIG MESS!! So instead I decided to clean out my "Junk Closet" well 1 of them anyways:)

This closet, well its not really a closet, its I don't really know, some shelves behind a door really:) HAHA!! This space goes into our basement and since we have moved in to our house 3 years ago we have used it sort of as a catch all area. The things that needed to go into the basement always got put onto the shelves and then NEVER got put into the basement! This was also where we kept our trash can and recycle bin, which only made matters worse. I have organized this space I don't know how many times and it never really served a function and it just annoyed me.

So I decided that it was time to turn it into a 'pantry' but after clearing it out completely I decided it just needed to be a storage area really!! So now it holds our extra paper towels, plastic silverware, all my cake decorating stuff, and so on.

I put contact paper down on the dirty disgusting shelves and that alone made the WHOLE area feel clean and organized!! I also hung a curtain up going down the stairs to somewhat close it off!!

So hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have a computer desk that I can organize and post for you as well!! But for now enjoy the 'Junk Closet'!!

(Sorry about the poor quality in pictures, I am in DESPERATE need of a new camera)

BEFORE--- G--R--O--S--S is all I have to say (I'm SUPER embarassed about this picture)

AFTER-- Much Much Better:)

Day 3 challenge was to clean out your tupperware cupboard!!!

This cupboard wasn't too bad, as I don't have much tupperware to contend with, but it still needed cleaning out!!

I started by taking everything out of the cupboard and used my Shaklee all purpose cleaner to clean it out!! Threw away lids and containers that didn't have matches, condensed it down to a small little area, then added some of my smaller appliances that I use to the other side of the cabinet!! Feels so much better to have this done!! I also cleaned out, organized and rearranged 3 other cupboards too... Before and Afters below!!
Forgot to take a before but here is the after!!


Keeping Life Fun with one Craft at a Time said...

I bet you went back to look at your work! Looks awesome.

Lori said...

Great Jamie! You are doing a great job!