Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1 Challenge- Junk Drawer

Today is day 1 of the 21 day challenge!! WOOHOOO!!!

Our challenge today is to clean out our junk drawer!! Our junk drawer has been a MAJOR problem for a long time. We cleaned and organized it a couple of months ago, but it somehow ALWAYS got cluttered up again!!

I wish I had a before picture before we organized it the first time, but you can still get the idea in my before picture now!! Its almost like the 'EASY' button here at our house, if something is on the counter and you want it gone the junk drawer is where it goes. There are receipts, coloring pages from the kids, and everything else in between!

I purchased some plastic bins from the dollar store, 3 packs of both sizes for $1/each!! It has seemed to help A LOT!!

Here is my junk drawer BEFORE and AFTER!!


Unknown said...

Great job. Containerizing really does help with the chaos. I have the same bill organizer as you. Go dollar general!! :) Toni

Sally said...

Good Job! :)

Jodi Lansink said...

WOW LOOK AT YOU!!!!! I will get mine done later much work to do today, and I am on vacation?!?! :)

Kristin Behrendsen said...

I am heading to DG in just a little bit!! Time to start organizing....I did look in my drawers this morning, and decided I would put it off until I had some supplies!!

Amanda said...

awesome job!!