Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Better late then never!!

Christmas was WONDERFUL this year!! Christmas Eve we joined my sister and her family for their church service, then came home and had a steak dinner with my dad and then opened presents between our little family:)

Christmas Day, we got up and found that Santa had stopped at our house!! It was pretty questionable, but he must have decided that the kids were good enough!! LOL!! We got ready and headed to my Grandparents for lunch and presents with my dad and sisters family!! That night we had Christmas with Seth's dad, sister and brother and his girlfriend Rachel at our house!! We thought we would change it up a little and we made tacos for supper... Hung out for awhile and played some games!!

We had a great Christmas and both kids really enjoyed themselves!!

Enough with the jibber jabber and on to the pictures!!

Blaker:) HAHA

This is pretty much the face we got all weekend!!

She was tired

Spreading reindeer food!!

Santa came!!!
Santa Came!!!!
4 WHEELER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kendra was more excited about Blakes 4 wheeler then hers:) HAHA... GO FIGURE
Kendra not too sure what all the excitement is about this early in the morning!!
"CANDYLAND CANDYLAND CANDYLAND" Wow was he excited about this!!
"WOW" a Snowmobile shirt!!
Kendra riding her 4 wheeler from Santa

1 comment:

Lori said...

Love the pictures! I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Lucky kiddos!!