Monday, December 27, 2010

21 day challenge

I know I know I know... I haven't even posted about Christmas yet, but I will get to that!!

But after Christmas this year and having 2 little ones I realized how much CLUTTER is in this house... I am ALWAYS on edge because things aren't clean and organized like they should be, and I always blame that on having little kids (well that is part of it) But there is no reason why most things in my house such as closets, under the sinks, cupboards etc. can't be organized (FOR ME)

I came across A bowl full of lemons through Crazy Domestic!!! This lady can organize let me tell you!! She has so many great tips and ideas!! I already have a list of the rooms and spaces that I want to get to!! So starting Jan. 1st and lasting for 21 days.......

Head on over to A bowl full of lemons now and check out all her wonderful transformations and join me in this challenge!! I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Ok, I am in! I was planning to organize why not! My closets and drawers are out of control, too much JUNK if you ask me!!! I also love to label anything I can!