Sunday, August 28, 2011

1st day of school 2011

Blake on his first day of school!!!! He is in Alternate Kindergarten this year!! He is LOVING it so far too!!! He has the same teacher he had last year, which I think helps out A LOT!!!!! I'm so glad that he likes school as much as he does right now, lets just hope it stays that way!!!

Anxiously waiting for the bus

Had to get a shot with his little sister, who by the way was very upset when he got on the bus and left!!! (For all my family--- look at those 'CORBIN EYES') LOL

Then of course Mom needed to do a little photo shoot!!! I may be a little bias but my son is SO STINKIN HANDSOME!!!! LOVE HIM TO PIECES!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


After Blakes kid party we had our family party!!

Blake received so many nice things from everyone!! He hasn't quit playing with any of his toys since he got them!!!

My sister Jodi got Blake some new clothes and a hat, skater style!! They are the Shawn White brand from Target, and Blake was BEYOND excited about it especially after he opened his new skateboard!!! He sure thought he was pretty cool, and I have to admit, my kid looked SUPER SUPER cute!!!

Blake has also been asking for a puppy pillow pet for months, and my grandma and grandpa got him one, he was SUPER excited!!!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011



I CAN NOT believe how fast these 5 years have gone, my baby isn't a baby anymore:(

Mommy and Daddy love you very much 'Little Man'

Blake is having his birthday party this weekend, so I will for sure be doing a post about his awesome PIRATE party he is having!!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Heritage Days 2011

This past weekend June 24-26 was our towns annual Heritage Days festivities!!! There were SO many fun things going on all weekend and it was so much fun!!!

**Friday Night**

We started things off by heading uptown to have supper that was provided, and to do the Pinewood Derby Car Races!!! Blake was looking forward to this night for weeks, we got a car from Hobby Lobby and the boys worked on it getting it all ready for the race!!! Seth and I kept saying that Blake had the coolest car, which of course we thought that as we had decorated it right!!! Well we weren't the only ones that thought that, because Blake won "BEST LOOKING CAR"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blake didn't really know what was going on until he got his trophy, then he got SUPER excited!!!

< href="">

We headed back uptown for the 'cutie contest'!! Blake and Kendra didn't place in their age groups but had fun anyways!! My niece Brylie won in her age group AND got GRAND SUPREME!!! Head on over to Jodi's blog and check out the rest of Saturdays adventures with the parade and Jillian Grace Duck Race!!!


Was a lot less crazy! The only thing we had going on was the fishing contest at Cobb Park!!! Blake, Ellie and Malia were all in it and did a great job catching fish!!! It took them a little while to get the hang of it and to start enjoying themeselves!!! None of the kids placed in their age groups, but they still had a blast fishing for an hour!!!!

Daycare Days

We have celebrated Brylie's 1st birthday!!! Blake and I decorated the front porch for her when she got here that morning!!! Then Ellie, Malia and Blake helped me make and decorate cupcakes for the birthday girl!!!!! They had so much fun helping decorate and celebrate!!!

We also had a baking day last week... it had been a crazy week weather wise, it rained rained rained and we were all stuck in the house, driving each other nuts!!! HA.... so I planned a fun baking day to keep our minds busy and give us something fun to do!!!
We made rice krispies, puppy chow and m&m bars!!! Everything was SOOOO GOOOOD!!!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Back in the saddle again!!!

I'm just going to get right to it, I am a HORRIBLE blogger and I promise to keep up with it better now!! The blog has been put on the back burner for awhile as we have been dealing with a lot of things around here and I felt everything else needed to be addressed before blogging!!! Now that I think we are back on the right track I have vowed (FOR MY OUT OF TOWN FAMILY, ESPECIALLY NANA LORI) that I WILL keep up with my blog!!!

There is so much to catch up on, I'm just going to put up all the pictures I have taken in the past few months!!! I got a new camera a few months ago as well, so I NEED to start taking more pictures!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Baby Habit

Today over at The Francis Family Blog Jennifer is hosting a giveaway through The Baby They are giving away a $50 gift certificate to one lucky blogger!! Check out Jennifers blog for more information!!

I have never heard of this site before, but after looking around I think this will be added to my favorites for kids stuff!! With a 4 year old and a 1 year old your always looking for something new and this site has it all... I really like it!!!

I have been looking for some sort of storage solution for van but everywhere I have looked they are $25-$40 and I just can't bring myself to spend that much on something for my car!! On The Baby I came across there storage solutions and SOOO am going to get THIS!!!

Go check out the site, I am sure there will be something there for everyone with children!!! There was sooo much stuff I found that I would love to get!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Visit from Nana Lori and Easter 2011

Well after months of no blogging I am finally back!!!

Last weekend my mom was finally able to make it back for a visit, it had been since October and that is just way too long!!

The weekend was spent just hanging out, the weather was horrible, rainy and cold and just nasty. We headed to the circus Friday night, it was a little boring, but atleast it was something to do! The rest of the weekend was just spent inside, relaxing and hanging out, the kids dyed some easter eggs and played!!

It was so good to see my mom again, really wish we could talk her into moving back this way, so we didn't have to go so long between visits!!



We had a wonderful Easter this year!! We started our festivities Saturday, we dyed eggs, made cookies, cupcakes and chocolate and coconut birds nests!! Then of course the Easter bunny came and left stuff in the kids' baskets!!

We go to my grandparents every year for Easter, so Sunday we headed over there for dinner and a fun scavanger hunt I planned for the kiddos!!

The weather was beautiful yesterday so we headed outside to try and get some family pictures, which DID NOT work out, my children especially Blake were not having it, so we gave up!! Maybe next time!!

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



My friend Candi's little girl Hallie is in the Fancy Nancy Fantastic Fan Photo Contest!! Hallie is all about Fancy Nancy and clearly has the image:) So I'm asking all my blog friends to go HERE and vote for Hallie!! You can vote once a day, so make sure to head back each day to vote!! She needs 2000 more votes before the end of the month to be put into the top 20!! PLEASE PLEASE help Hallie out, she would be the happiest girl in the world to win this!!


Also while you are at it, go HERE and vote for Miss Kendra in the Kid of the week photo contest!!

Thanks again everyone that votes, and make sure to tell all your friends and family!!


Stinker: "Vote for your favorite kids in the Kid of the Week Contest everyday on Parents Photo Faves! Want to see your cutie as one of the weekly winners? Enter your child today at !"

I entered Miss Kendra into the Kid of the Week Contest through and would love for you all to head on over there and vote for her each day! The contest ends the 16th... Tell all your friends and family as well... Thanks for helping my little "Stinker" out!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Better late then never!!

Christmas was WONDERFUL this year!! Christmas Eve we joined my sister and her family for their church service, then came home and had a steak dinner with my dad and then opened presents between our little family:)

Christmas Day, we got up and found that Santa had stopped at our house!! It was pretty questionable, but he must have decided that the kids were good enough!! LOL!! We got ready and headed to my Grandparents for lunch and presents with my dad and sisters family!! That night we had Christmas with Seth's dad, sister and brother and his girlfriend Rachel at our house!! We thought we would change it up a little and we made tacos for supper... Hung out for awhile and played some games!!

We had a great Christmas and both kids really enjoyed themselves!!

Enough with the jibber jabber and on to the pictures!!

Blaker:) HAHA

This is pretty much the face we got all weekend!!

She was tired

Spreading reindeer food!!

Santa came!!!
Santa Came!!!!
4 WHEELER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kendra was more excited about Blakes 4 wheeler then hers:) HAHA... GO FIGURE
Kendra not too sure what all the excitement is about this early in the morning!!
"CANDYLAND CANDYLAND CANDYLAND" Wow was he excited about this!!
"WOW" a Snowmobile shirt!!
Kendra riding her 4 wheeler from Santa