Sunday, August 28, 2011

1st day of school 2011

Blake on his first day of school!!!! He is in Alternate Kindergarten this year!! He is LOVING it so far too!!! He has the same teacher he had last year, which I think helps out A LOT!!!!! I'm so glad that he likes school as much as he does right now, lets just hope it stays that way!!!

Anxiously waiting for the bus

Had to get a shot with his little sister, who by the way was very upset when he got on the bus and left!!! (For all my family--- look at those 'CORBIN EYES') LOL

Then of course Mom needed to do a little photo shoot!!! I may be a little bias but my son is SO STINKIN HANDSOME!!!! LOVE HIM TO PIECES!!!!!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Love the pictures Jamie! And yes, our little man is stinking handsome! His little sister is pretty cute too!