Friday, October 8, 2010


Ok so growing up I was a major tomboy, I loved to be outside helping my dad whenever I could!! I never really cared what I looked like, meaning I didn't care if I was in pink everyday or girly for that matter!! As I got older that changed, and I made sure I was put together and had cute clothes on and makeup and so on!!

When I found out I was pregnant with Blake, my whole family including me was like it better be a boy, because that way I wouldn't have to worry about doing hair and putting on pretty clothes and if he got dirty who cares:) HA!! Having a boy is very easy on that part, you can put them in jeans and a tshirt and your good to go and they still look cute!!

The second time around when I found out I was pregnant with Kendra I prayed very hard that I would have a girl, after seeing my sister with her girls, I longed for that experience of being able to put her hair up in pretties and putting cute clothes on her!! I was super excited when we found out that it was a girl!! Even though I'm not that type of girl that 'has' to be dolled up everyday, I am totally that mom that makes sure my daughter is everyday, well almost everyday!! LOL!!

The older Kendra gets the more you are able to see who she really is right now and let me tell you, she is such a TOMBOY!! HAHA... Of course we put pretties in her hair and put her in cute clothes everyday, but this little girl is so rough and tough already at 1!!

Seth and I were talking the other day about how excited we were that Blake was getting older and we could get him a dirt bike or 4 wheeler and him and daddy could go have some fun boy time!! We both just laughed after we said this because it will totally be Kendra out there with him and not Blake:) LOL!! Don't get me wrong Blake is all boy and he loves doing things with his daddy, but he has this side of him that most people don't see that makes you say he should have been the girl and kendra the boy!!

So this morning while waiting for my sister to pick up Blake for school Kendra found Blakes toy 4 wheeler on the front porch, like the ride on one!! She was in her tights, skirt, pretty shirt and puffer vest!! I just thought it fit her perfect, showed her true self... She was all cute but on the 4 wheeler being 'tough'!! HAHA

I love my kiddos no matter what they are like and they are both so fun and crazy and can't wait to see what they will be like 5-10 years from now!! It will probably be totally opposite of what I am thinking right now!! HA
Hope everyone has a good weekend!!! We are heading to a pumpkin patch tomorrow with our kiddos and my nieces, then having a sleep over with my nieces!! Its going to be crazy, but we will have lots of fun!!


Lori said...

I think you nailed that one!

Jodi Lansink said...

What a great post-----do these more often!!! Love the pictures and love the one of her ont he 4wheeler-----sooo her!!!!! My girls are ECSTATIC for this weekend with Aunt Jamie and Uncle Seth!!!!!!!

Jamie said...

I was SO proud of myself for this post!! HAHA!! I'm getting better!!