Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sleepover Weekend

So this weekend we had planned a trip to the pumpkin patch in a nearby town!! I thought it would be fun to have my two nieces Ellie and Malia join us while their parents enjoyed a night with some friends!! We also decided that it would be fun to have to sleepover while we were at it!! The kids had SO much fun at the pumpkin patch, they were giggling and running around looking at all the fun stuff!! Miss Kendra hasn't been feeling the greatest, not sure if its allergies or what but her poor eyes look terrible!! So if she doesn't look to happy in the pictures this is why!!
After enjoying the pumpkin patch we headed to burger king for supper and to let the kids play in their play area!! We headed home so the kids could have some fun playing!! It was a great day and night with them all!!
I love being able to spend time with my nieces and I am so thankful that we live so close so that we can have fun weekends like this!!

I also have a couple pictures of our sleepover part, but am too tired to upload them now so I will edit the post in the morning!!

Enjoy all the pictures, they speak for themselves!!!

Picking out their pumpkins!!

Kendra on the hayrack ride!! Poor thing:(

Daddy and Kendra on hayrack ride

The 3 amigos on the hayrack ride!!

Seth helping Malia!!
Malia on the bounce house!!



Silly kids!! Blakes face kills me:) HAHA!!
Haunted House!!

Miss Kendra

The kids in a corn tp!! (spelling not too sure)

Ellie in a tp!!

This picture says it all!!

Oh how Blake loved seeing spongebob!


Jodi Lansink said...

Thanks so much for taking pics for me to see!!!! Thanks so much for inviting them to join you guys!! They had a blast...but were super tired today! You wore them out!

Lori said...

Looks like you had such a great time and the weather must have been awesome - kids in shorts!! Yay!
What a fun weekend!