Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Just wanted to update everyone on Kendra!!!
For the past month on and off we noticed Kendra walking with a limp, the first time we noticed it we thought maybe she had fallen down the night before in the kitchen playing with Seth and I. We gave it a couple of days to get better and it did, so I didn't think anything more of it until this past weekend, when she started limping again. She wasn't feeling good on top of it, but she didn't want to walk, when you would put her down she was real grumpy and would just sit down. I knew after this happening twice now I had to take her in to get looked at, so Monday they did x-rays of her knee, ankle and foot and everything showed just fine, no broken bones no nothing. After talking to the doctor a little more and a few more tests, we found the Kendra's left leg is longer then her right, so our doctor suggested we see a orthopedic doctor, so we go to Omaha on Friday to see what is going on for sure!!

I will keep everyone updated on what we find out on Friday!!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh I so do hope everything is ok with our little Kendra!! I will be praying!