Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TAG your it!!

Saw this on another blog...thought it would be fun!

The rules: Tell us 7 things about yourself that people may not know...and tag 7 bloggers to do the same on their blogs!

1. I am addicted to Diet Coke, especially Cherry DC!!

2. My dream in life is to someday open my own daycare/preschool center!!

3. I like to decorate cakes and cupcakes!!

4. LOVED high school:) Somedays I wish I could turn back time and relive those days:)

5. Have really fat/wide feet... LOL... So I can't EVER find any cute shoes:(

6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to be pregnant!! The best thing in the world, even in the most uncomfortable moments:) Wish I could experience that one last time:(

7. Would love to wear jeans and a hoodie everyday or comfies:) LOL


Well beings everyone I know has already been tagged, I can't tag anyone!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

11 Months

Miss Kendra is 11 months old already!!

She's a full time walker * Has 8 teeth * Says 'DADA" ALL the time * Is almost always happy but can throw a tantrum like no other too!! * LOVES to be outside

I have started planning her birthday party and I am SOOOO excited for it!! i'm not going to lie I am a little sad knowing that she is almost 1 but am excited for the years to come and to see how to grows!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today was Blake's first day of 4 year old preschool which is 5 days a week in the mornings!! He has been so excited to start school, I think mainly because he was ready to get away from Mommy and Kendra, HA!! Last year Blake was in the 3 year old program that is only 2 afternoons a week, and most days it was rough for him, he would cry and throw a fit when I left him or if he saw me (I worked at the school and got off work the same time he came to school) So I was a little worried about how things were going to go this morning, but he did AWESOME, he found his hook and hung up his bag, went into the room and told me, "Mom, I have to find my B, cuz that is where I sit" so we found his B and he sat down and started playing with the table toys!! It made me the proudest mom in the world that he didn't cry:) We will see how the rest of the week goes, I have my fingers crossed for good days:)


Ok so I know this is a couple weeks past due, but atleast I'm getting it up!! HA!!

The beginning of August we made a trip out to Denver to see my Mom and the rest of our Colorado family:) It has been several years since we have been out there, so was very nice to get back there again!! We had lots of fun playing in my aunt lisa's pool, going to an amusement park called the Lakeside, shopping, EATING, a trip into the mountains, and did I mention SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING!!!

I made the crazy 10 hour drive ALONE, well following Adam and Jodi but I drove with my 2 babies all by myself:) HEHE!! Blake and Kendra were AMAZING though, I seriously couldn't have asked for better children at that time!! Seth couldn't take the whole week off of work, so he flew out on Thursday night to be able to spend a couple days with us!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Colorado family for EVERYTHING!! We had SOO much fun and miss it so much!! Hope to get out there again soon!!

Make sure to check out my sister Jodi's blog for more pictures!!

My pictures aren't in any special order, just put them up!!

*Little Learners Daycare*

I am very excited to announce that I will be opening a daycare in my home:) It has been a thought for awhile, and now it has become a reality!! I am so excited to be able to be home with my children and be able to take care of others children too!!

I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, so am planning on having a very fun and exciting 'learning' experience for the children!! I will have a daily schedule and am planning on doing lots of fun activities!!

I am also going to be state certified and be part of the states food program!!

If you know of anyone or yourself looking for daycare have them email me at corbinjamie@gmail.com, where they can get my number!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blakes Birthday Party(s)

Mr. Blake was a very lucky boy this year to be able to celebrate his birthday 3 times!! While in Denver we had a 'little' birthday as Blake called it, so my mom could share in his special day with him:) Monday 8-9-10 was his actual birthday so of course we had some pizza and cupcakes, and he got a couple of presents from Seth and I!! Then that weekend we had his 'big' Transformer birthday party!! He kept asking me ALL week when his party was, he was soooo excited!! I still find it hard to believe that he is 4!
(Pictures are in order of events)