Monday, April 21, 2008

6 Random Things

6 Random things right now

1) I am excited I got my blog updated, 4 posts in one night!!! YEAH
2) I cant wait to get our fence put up so we actually have a CONFINED place to play in the back yard
3) This weather needs to either be cold or just be nice, cold mornings warm afternoons are throwing me off
4) My husband is too motivated, he works all day and still wants to go do more work, I don't know how he does it, if I only had half his energy, I'd post everyday and my house would be SPOTLESS!!! HAHA
5) It isn't even summer yet and I'm already running out of things to do with Blake outside, I mean you can only go to the park and for walks so much, what are we going to do.
6) I still need to go shopping some more for summer clothes, I didn't get enough last time, when are we going to have another girls day Jodi!?!?

I don't have anyone to tag, they have all been tagged!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok Jamie, are you EVER going to update this thing? You have been doing "6 Random Things" for a LONG time now!

I want an update!!