Monday, April 21, 2008


A couple weeks ago I had mentioned to Seth that I would like the tree cut down in our back yard, because it was too close to our deck and it was half dead and branches were everywhere in our yard. Well next thing I know 'Mr. Motivated' has the man lift at our house and he is cutting down this 100 foot tree by himself!!! It was a little scarey at first, I thought for sure he would drop a branch on the house of something, but the only damage done was the bottom step of our deck got broke, easy fix though... Well it is down now, and alls that is left is the stump, I am so excited now that it is gone, the next step is to get the fence up and a nice little play area for Blake to be able to run around outside without ending up at the end of the alley:) Blake got a huge kick out of Daddy cutting down this tree that he got his spider man couch out of the living room and put it right in front of the sliding glass door and sat there and watched Daddy cut down this tree... It was too cute...


art said...

doesn't make your yard sooo much bigger??? We cut down several trees and I LOVE it!!! :) Blake is too cute!!

Jodi Lansink said...

I love the "Mr. Motivated" part....made me chuckle!!!

It will be very nice to have it cut down!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to get his Spiderman couch out! That is too cute! I don't like the idea of cutting down trees, but now you have a yard for Blakers!