Sunday, April 6, 2008


This weekend was so beautiful, but windy, of course!!! Also was my first weekend off since tax season has started, so it was nice to be able to get some stuff done around my house and enjoy the nice weather... We started our weekend off with going to Sioux City to do a little shopping, then I met up with Jodi and Adam and we went to Ellies dance night at the high school, they all did very good, especially Ellie!!! Sunday was our usual day of grocery shopping and laundry, YEAH, my two least favorite things HAHA... We managed to squeaze in a trip to the park, Blake woke up from his nap and told Seth, "Park, Park" so Blake, Ellie and I went to the park for awhile, they had a blast... Blake is such a dare devil it is scary... The pictures will tell you everything:) That about sums it up for our weekend...
There are also some random pictures of the weekend...


Jodi Lansink said...

Awhhh...what cute pictures!!! Blake is a little cutie pie!!!! I was shocked to log on and see you POSTED! Add that to your Sunday lists along with laundry and groveries----POST! LOL

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