Monday, April 21, 2008

Park Time Again

Last night Seth and i decided to take Blake to the park again beings it was still pretty nice out and there were chances of rain... Katie and Kadon were walking down the street so we picked them up and they came with us, and as we were playing Jodi pulled into the car wash and let Ellie out to come over and play, when Jodi was done here and Pia came over to play... The kids had a blast all playing together and Mr. Blake siezes to amaze me everyday, he is just climbing around the equipment and next thing I know here he goes down the slide all by himself, i didn't know whether to be scared or happy for him, it was too funny... Then Ms. Malia the little spit fire she is (HAHA) she thought she needed to go down the slide by herself too, but of course Aunt Jamie wasn't going to let that happen, so we went down the slide side by side, she is too cute and boy did she get a kick out of that... I think Ellie was pretty excited to have Kadon there too, those two just played and played together and had a blast... I'm sure you are all getting sick of the park posts, but there are new things happening everytime we go...

(For those of you wondering Malia has Blakes hoodie on, it was kinda chilly out and Jodi didn't have her dressed for the park, beings they weren't planning on going to the park, so she looks like a little boy, but we love her anyways!!!!!)


art said...

too cute~! How fun!! The park posts are great... I think this is a favorite!! :)

Jodi Lansink said...

Pia looks too funny in a boy jacket--I will make sure to have a jacket in the car at all times!!!