Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our Weekend

Not much going on around here as usual, i wish spring/summer would just hurry up and get here already!! We are definetly getting spring fever around here and itching to get outside, Blake goes to the sliding glass door all the time saying "GO,GO" but it has just been too windy and chilly for him to go outside... It will get nice soon, then i will be complaining because its too hot and can't wait for Fall:) HAHA But anyways this weekend we didn't really do much, I worked at the office on Saturday so that shot the whole day away, and Sunday we didnt do much either, called Jodi to see if Ellie would like to come over and play for awhile, so Blake and Ellie had a blast, Blake just LOVES his ELLIE... I took them to Pamida and got them each a treat and a toy, we couldn't forget about Pia either so we got her a toy too!!! Thanks for coming over and playing today Ellie, Blake loved having someone to play with!!! Well thats about it for this week...


Anonymous said...

Looks like they are having a great time!! They are getting SO big!

Jodi Lansink said...

Ellie loves to go play at Aunt Jamie's!!!! Thanks for getting them each a ball to play with---THEY LOVE THEM!!!!!!