Friday, March 28, 2008


FINALLY we got a new car!!! It has been a long time coming but we finally got our new car... We got a 2006 Chevy Equinox, I absolutely LOVE IT!!! HAHA I crack myself up on how excited I am about it, but after having my good ole Taurus for what 6 years now its nice to have something NICE and reliable... I told Seth I can't wait until we can go on our first road trip and not have to worry about the car breaking down!! LOL.......

Thats about all the exciting news around here, except for the fact that tax season is about over and I am almost done working at Wilsons!!! I love to help out but this year has been a year, thats for sure and it will be nice to have my nights and weekends back again to spend with family... I will try to get some pictures of Blake for you mom, because I know how much you miss the kids and how horrible I am at updateing this...


Jodi Lansink said...

YEAH!!!! FINALLY A NEW CAR!!!! I do love it too! Very hip and cool-----perfect for you and Seth!!!!

Jamie said...

Thanks... ALSO THANKS to you for suggesting that we go look at it... A far cry from the ole taurus... HEHE... Leather, sunroof oh yeah i'm right uptown HAHAHA

The Hamann Family said...

VERY NICE!!!! That's a BIG change from the Taurus... good for you! - - What, a little stressed this year at the office??? hehe - It is/was a BUSY/CRAZY year... the flu didn't help things for anyone either!!!! - I will miss getting to visit with everyone though! Hope to see you back next year! :)

Anonymous said...

She's a beauty! Way to go guys!