Saturday, July 28, 2007


Ok sorry about the mix up but I have a few videos from my shower along with the one of blake playing with the balloons, but for some reason either I am computer stupid today or what but my photobucket says it downloaded my videos but they are now where to be found on the site, so I will have to do some more figureing out or get Jodi to figure it out for me:) HEHE but they will be up real soon I promise... For those of you that give me heck about not posting here ya go, here are 3 posts in 1 day... Thats a record I do believe!!! Stay tuned for the videos

Bridal Shower

Today was my bridal shower, Jodi, Katie, and Theresa threw it for me. It was great I had so much fun!! We played the game of questions, Jodi had asked Seth some questions and I had to answer them correctly or I had to chew a piece of gum, I did ok, but I sure did had a big piece of gum in my mouth when I was done!! Lets just say when Seth gets home he's got some explaining to do with some of those answers!! HEHE. Then we played toilet paper bride where someone wrapped me and Jennifer up in toilet paper as though we had wedding dresses on, it was rather funny, I thought mine turned out pretty good!! HEH It turned out great and I got a lot of nice things:) I am so excited to use them:) hehe... Thank you to my bridesmaids for throwing the shower for me, it meant a lot and it was so much fun, I dont think that I will eat gum again for a VERY long time!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Last Tuesday the 24th was my birthday, the big 22!! Seth took me out to eat wherever I wanted to go, so I chose PIZZA HUT!!!!!!! I know I know your all prolly laughing right now, but thats what I wanted, we hadn't been there for awhile (well I guess Ellies birthday) After we ate we went to Jodis to have cake and ice cream, Dad and Grandma and Grandpa stopped over as well. It was really nice and I had lots of fun, I got lots of cards, and even balloons from my Dad!! I have some pictures of the cake and of my balloons and of Blakers playing with the balloons, HE LOVED THEM!!
Thanks again to Jodi and Ellie for the cake, and Grandma, Grandpa and Dad for joining us, it meant a lot!!

Ellie asked me the day before my birthday what kind of party I was having!! I told her I wasn't having a party like hers, and she looked a little disappointed so when I got to Jodis for cake and ice cream she got out ellies little mermaid napkins and plates and we had a little mermaid party just like Ellie!! It was too funny:)

Here is my beautiful cake that Jodi and Ellie decorated so nice for me:) Thanks again it meant a lot to me

Blakers was getting tired, so he was trying to lay down on Seth!! He sure is silly:)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Fun in the Sun... At Crawford

This weekend was our 2nd annual Crawford Creek get together. Friday night Seth and Blake and I and Jodi and Adam and the girls all stayed at the cabin, we grilled, went in the boat, and sat by the camp fire. Katie and Kadon came out along with Theresa and Jeremy. Saturday we all met back out at the cabin and had a fun filled day of fishing, grilling and eating S'mores AGAIN!! We were all tuckered out by time we got home Saturday night but got up early Sunday morning to head back out there for 1 more day of fun!! Grandpa had steaks for all of us, so we had our steak fry and did some more fishing and boating around the pond!! Thank you Grandpa and Grandma so much for doing this for the family, it means so much to us, and we had a really fun time!! Everything was great!!

Fun Filled Weekend!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hey Everyone

Ok I know you are all getting mad that I haven't posted in awhile, but as busy as we have been i don't really have too many pictures of anything. I promise after this weekends adventure at Crawford with the family I will have lots to talk about and pictures to show you all... Sorry for the delay...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fun Filled Weekend

This past weekend was a busy busy weekend! Seth and I started off the weekend going to Sioux City for the day to get some wedding things done. Sunday we had Ellies birthday party at Pizza Hut and then we had a family get together on Seths side of the family at his Grandmas house after that! Blake was loving all the attention he was getting at Ellies party and at the get together, it kind of scares me he is that little and already knows how to 'work it'!!! HAHA I have a few pictures of the weekend!

Blakers after swimming!!

Blake with Grandpa Bob on the motorcycle!!

Mommy and Blake feeding the ducks! He didn't know what to think:)

Blake surrounded by ALL the girls, he was loving it!! He is such a flirt:)

Blake wanting to give hugs!!

Blake with Aiden and Elliot!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

The 4th is also Seths birthday so I started off the day by making him cupcakes!! The decorations were slightly thrown together, the best I could do!! HEHE Blake gave Seth his card and then we let him take about a 3 hour nap yesterday! Daddy is pretty lucky, I would like a 3 hour nap:) Other then that we didn't do anything else for his birthday besides go to Mike and Chellies house for a 4th get together. Seth is pretty lucky to have his birthday on the 4th because there is ALWAYS something going on!! That was about the extent of our day... (The cupcakes aren't missing any letters they are just written in white gel on top of white frosting, told you it was just thrown together)

Happy 4th

Well that time has already came, it is already fireworks time... Seth's Aunt and Uncle Mike and Chellie had a get together at their house, they grilled food, and had bean bags set up and crochet(sp)... We had a blast! Blake really enjoyed being outside and playing in the grass and walking ALL over the place. Seths cousin Nathan has a little boy Cameron who hit it off great with Blake, so they played a lot and Blake chased him all over the place. After it finally got dark we lit of fireworks, they were awesome!! It was a late night we didn't get home from Anthon until about 11:45 and right to bed it was, poor seth had to get up this morning at 5 to got to work in Spirit Lake!! He has got to be tired, I know I sure am!! It was a great day though, hope everyone else had a good 4th!!

4th of July

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Blake is now walking!! He has been trying for the past couple of weeks and tonight Jodi and Adam watched Blake for us while I ran to Omaha with bridesmaid dress issues!! She said after I left alls he would do was walk!! YEAH BLAKERS!! Its so amazing that my little boy is walking!! (Way to go aunt jodi for getting it on video for me!!)

More of Blake Walking!!!

Blake is Walking!!!!!