Wednesday, January 12, 2011



My friend Candi's little girl Hallie is in the Fancy Nancy Fantastic Fan Photo Contest!! Hallie is all about Fancy Nancy and clearly has the image:) So I'm asking all my blog friends to go HERE and vote for Hallie!! You can vote once a day, so make sure to head back each day to vote!! She needs 2000 more votes before the end of the month to be put into the top 20!! PLEASE PLEASE help Hallie out, she would be the happiest girl in the world to win this!!


Also while you are at it, go HERE and vote for Miss Kendra in the Kid of the week photo contest!!

Thanks again everyone that votes, and make sure to tell all your friends and family!!


Stinker: "Vote for your favorite kids in the Kid of the Week Contest everyday on Parents Photo Faves! Want to see your cutie as one of the weekly winners? Enter your child today at !"

I entered Miss Kendra into the Kid of the Week Contest through and would love for you all to head on over there and vote for her each day! The contest ends the 16th... Tell all your friends and family as well... Thanks for helping my little "Stinker" out!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Better late then never!!

Christmas was WONDERFUL this year!! Christmas Eve we joined my sister and her family for their church service, then came home and had a steak dinner with my dad and then opened presents between our little family:)

Christmas Day, we got up and found that Santa had stopped at our house!! It was pretty questionable, but he must have decided that the kids were good enough!! LOL!! We got ready and headed to my Grandparents for lunch and presents with my dad and sisters family!! That night we had Christmas with Seth's dad, sister and brother and his girlfriend Rachel at our house!! We thought we would change it up a little and we made tacos for supper... Hung out for awhile and played some games!!

We had a great Christmas and both kids really enjoyed themselves!!

Enough with the jibber jabber and on to the pictures!!

Blaker:) HAHA

This is pretty much the face we got all weekend!!

She was tired

Spreading reindeer food!!

Santa came!!!
Santa Came!!!!
4 WHEELER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kendra was more excited about Blakes 4 wheeler then hers:) HAHA... GO FIGURE
Kendra not too sure what all the excitement is about this early in the morning!!
"CANDYLAND CANDYLAND CANDYLAND" Wow was he excited about this!!
"WOW" a Snowmobile shirt!!
Kendra riding her 4 wheeler from Santa

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2 and 3 challenges- Computer Desk & Tupperware cupboard

Today's challenge was to clean off the top of our computer desk!! WELL we sold our computer desk a couple of weeks ago and haven't replaced it yet:( So sadly all our computer desk stuff is on the floor in our bedroom, BIG MESS!! So instead I decided to clean out my "Junk Closet" well 1 of them anyways:)

This closet, well its not really a closet, its I don't really know, some shelves behind a door really:) HAHA!! This space goes into our basement and since we have moved in to our house 3 years ago we have used it sort of as a catch all area. The things that needed to go into the basement always got put onto the shelves and then NEVER got put into the basement! This was also where we kept our trash can and recycle bin, which only made matters worse. I have organized this space I don't know how many times and it never really served a function and it just annoyed me.

So I decided that it was time to turn it into a 'pantry' but after clearing it out completely I decided it just needed to be a storage area really!! So now it holds our extra paper towels, plastic silverware, all my cake decorating stuff, and so on.

I put contact paper down on the dirty disgusting shelves and that alone made the WHOLE area feel clean and organized!! I also hung a curtain up going down the stairs to somewhat close it off!!

So hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have a computer desk that I can organize and post for you as well!! But for now enjoy the 'Junk Closet'!!

(Sorry about the poor quality in pictures, I am in DESPERATE need of a new camera)

BEFORE--- G--R--O--S--S is all I have to say (I'm SUPER embarassed about this picture)

AFTER-- Much Much Better:)

Day 3 challenge was to clean out your tupperware cupboard!!!

This cupboard wasn't too bad, as I don't have much tupperware to contend with, but it still needed cleaning out!!

I started by taking everything out of the cupboard and used my Shaklee all purpose cleaner to clean it out!! Threw away lids and containers that didn't have matches, condensed it down to a small little area, then added some of my smaller appliances that I use to the other side of the cabinet!! Feels so much better to have this done!! I also cleaned out, organized and rearranged 3 other cupboards too... Before and Afters below!!
Forgot to take a before but here is the after!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1 Challenge- Junk Drawer

Today is day 1 of the 21 day challenge!! WOOHOOO!!!

Our challenge today is to clean out our junk drawer!! Our junk drawer has been a MAJOR problem for a long time. We cleaned and organized it a couple of months ago, but it somehow ALWAYS got cluttered up again!!

I wish I had a before picture before we organized it the first time, but you can still get the idea in my before picture now!! Its almost like the 'EASY' button here at our house, if something is on the counter and you want it gone the junk drawer is where it goes. There are receipts, coloring pages from the kids, and everything else in between!

I purchased some plastic bins from the dollar store, 3 packs of both sizes for $1/each!! It has seemed to help A LOT!!

Here is my junk drawer BEFORE and AFTER!!