Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What we have been up to.....

1st off............


For the past month we have ALL had the flu around here... BOOOOO....

It started with me one week, then Blake got it the next week, then Seth the next, then me AGAIN this week:(

Almost all of my daycare families have had it as well... So after Sunday nights flu that hit me and a really good nap yesterday I spent 5 hours sanitizing my house!!

I started by filling the bath tub full of toys with bleach... I also had 3 rubbermaid tubs of toys in bleach water!! While all those soaked I went around with clorox wipes wipeing down EVERYTHING that had a surface and toys that couldn't be washed in water!! All the stuffed animals and dolls are waiting to be put into the washer too!!!

This bug needs to be rid of this house and FAST!! Miss Kendra is the only one that hasn't gotten it yet, and I hope she doesn't get it!!
2nd off.........

Blake has learned so much from school so far this year!!! Its amazing how much they can learn and how fast they can learn!!

Last night while cleaning up all the toys Blake was in the daycare room playing with the easel, when I walked in to check on him and Kendra I saw this......

He wrote A B C D E F.... I had tears in my eyes seeing this... I am so proud of my little man!!

Stealing CUPCAKES off the stove!!! Miss Kendra is quite the little stinker lately, she has learned that she can pull the chairs wherever she wants in the kitchen to get to things... Last week I left the kitchen for 2 seconds and when I came back this is what I saw.....

And last but not least.... CHRISTMAS A LITTLE EARLY

Today we received our package in the mail from my mom... Blake was so excited seeing all the packages in the box, he kept saying, "Dear Blake, From Nana" HAHA!!!

My Mom started a tradition a few years back with getting each of the kids an ornament and socks for Christmas!! She wanted the kids to open their package early this year so they could enjoy their ornaments for a little while!!!

THANK YOU so much Nana!!! Both kids LOVE their ornaments and socks!!! We Love you and Miss you and wish you were here with us to celebrate!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

LOVE THE ORNAMENTS-----those are perfect!!!! And that brings tears to my eyes hearing Blake say Dear Blake, Love Nana.......awwww!!!!

I hope you got the germs outta there! We just have a few days to keep everyone healthy for Christmas!

Lori said...

I am so glad they like the ornaments and Christmas socks! I love picking them out each year for them! Oh Miss Kendra and the cupcake..that is too funny! Blake is growing up so fast and Nana is so proud of him and his ABC's! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you all this year. Maybe next year? But I know that I do want all of you to come out here again this Summer! We had soooo much fun last year!!