Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas is in the air!!

Well its that time of year, I have always loved Christmas time, but over the past years I get even more and more excited about it with having my own kiddos to share it with!!

Thanksgiving weekend we put up our Christmas tree!! Last year I was stressing about the tree situation, because our living room is pretty small and we couldn't figure out a good place to put it, so we ended up moving our entire living room around just to make sure it fit... I was so annoyed the whole time it was up!! HA!!

This year we put it out in our front porch, last year we were under construction out there so it wasn't useable!! I'm not thrilled about the fact that I can't see it in the open, but its so much easier having it out there, especially now that I have daycare in my house!! 3 toddlers and a handful of school kids, it wouldn't stand a chance anywhere else:) HAHA!!!

Also its that time of year for Christmas parties!! Seth's work has a kids Christmas party every year, they have it at our local skate palace. The kids get to enjoy skateing, food, seeing santa and presents at the end!! It is a good time for everyone and the kids really enjoy it!!

I was so excited this year because Kendra was old enough to try out skateing!! Last year she was only 3 months old, so her and I sat out:( It was too cute watching Kendra trying it for the first time!! Blake had a rough time, as his skates were too loose and they couldn't tighten them, but all in all we had a blast!! Seth's company 'ADULT' Christmas party is next weekend, and I am looking forward to a little time with some adults:) HAHA!!

Here is a video of Kendra... Sorry it is sideways!!

We are off to another busy work week, Seth is going on the road this week again, I have to make some Christmas cookies for a fundraiser this coming weekend, and Kendra has surgery Thursday for her ears!! I love having busy weeks sometimes because they seem to go a lot faster!! Wish me luck on my cookies, never really done cookies before so this could be interesting!! Check my 'Jamie's Sweet Creations' Blog later in the week for pictures!


Amy Walter said...

Your tree and decorations are really pretty. Sounds like a busy week - good luck on the cookies and hope Kendra's surgery goes smoothly.

Lori said...

Cute tree! I love the little snowmen too! How cute is Kendra skating, then boom! Down she goes! I'm sure they had a great time! I will be thinking of Kendra and her surgery on Thursday! I'm sure it will all be good! Looking forward to seeing your cookies!

Jodi Lansink said...

Decorations look good!! I still can't believe much getting your front porch done made a difference on your house, it is so nice!!! A great place for the tree!