Wednesday, September 29, 2010

{ONE} Year

Here is Miss Kendra's FINAL first year picture in her crib!!

We had her 1 year check up this morning and everything was GREAT!! She is right on track with everything!!

***She is 26.9 pounds and 31 3/4 inches long!! She is in the 95% for weight and she is off the charts for height!!

***She has been walking now since 10 months

***She says DADA and just in the past couple of weeks started saying MAMA and I have to say I was SO excited when she said MAMA there is nothing better then hearing your kids say your name:) Especially after she said DADA for so long, but she is quite the little daddy's girl!!

***She is a very spunky little girl, she runs everywhere she goes! She loves her big brother and playing with him and keeping up with him, they are quite the pair let me tell you!!

***She LOVES to dance anytime she hears music she will stop what she is doing and start dancing, its too cute!! She has also just recently started playing with a doll and its the cutest thing watching her love on it!! That motherly instinct is too cute!!

It has been a WONDERFUL first year with Kendra, I can't wait for all her next milestones!!

Love you Kendra Lee!!!


Lori said...

Happy 1 year Kendra! You are such a cutie pie!

Amy Walter said...

Happy 1st Birthday Kendra!