Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Yep, cake!! I have always liked baking and have tried my hand at decorating a couple of different times, but ran out of motivation or time!! Well now that I am staying home I thought I might try and find something I can do to maybe make a little money here and there and just to have a hobby too!! So Jodi and I came up with the idea to try making cakes again, what can it hurt right, except our figure!!! I got ahold of a lady I know here in town to see if I could borrow some of her stuff to practice with before I went all hog wild buying the stuff and then it not working out!!

First I started out by researching A LOT on the internet about icings and fondants and the tools and pans that you need to be successful at making cakes!! I found a really simple recipe for fondant using marshmallows, so I made it this morning and boy was that a pain, STICKY STICKY STICKY!! I had to put that in the fridge for most of the day, so tonight after supper I made my cakes and went to town, I had my dad come over THANK GOD because that fondant was a two man job (especially it being my first time)!! So with the two of us we accomplised a 3 tiered, yes I said 3 TIERED cake!! I mainly wanted to figure out the fondant tonight and see if I could even work with it or do it, and I am SOOOOO proud of myself for making it from scratch, rolling it out and putting it on the cakes!! AND it tastes good:) I messed around with some of the tips I borrowed as well, this could be FUN!! I still need LOTS of practice, but with lots of practice I hope will come success!! Plus I think I set the bar a little high tonight, a simple sheet cake would have been good!!

So here is my work of art!! Pretty good for my first time REALLY getting into this!!!


Grandpa and Grandma said...

Wow Jamie....the cake looks great... let the taste testing begin!!! Doug and Teresa

Jodi Lansink said...

WOW!!!!! I really am impressed!!! See, I knew you had it in ya!!!! Love the decorations on the top----so cute!!! YEAH!!! I am excited-----your first order...I need a cake for Brylie's baptism next month!!

Lori said...

That turned out great for your first try Jamie!! Good Job! Keep practicing and I know you will do great at being a cake maker!!!

Amy Walter said...

That looks awesome Jamie! Especially for your first try! Very impressed!!!

tricia said...

Nice job, Jamie!