Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

This year we had a great 4th weekend! Its always nice when the 4th falls on the weekend:) HA!! July 4th is also Seth's birthday so we have a lot to celebrate this time of year:) We started the weekend off with a little birthday party for Seth on Saturday night, we had family over for cake and ice cream!! THANK YOU to my family for helping us celebrate Seth's birthday!! The 4th we just relaxed around the house for the morning, then headed to Battle Creek in the afternoon for the parade and the frog jumping contest! This was the first year we did the frog jumping contest and it was pretty fun!! Blake had SO much fun holding his frog and making it jump, his frog only went 76inches which was a long ways away from the leader that had a 195in jump!! So we came home and grilled out then headed back over to Battle Creek with my dad and grandparents to watch the FIREWORKS!!! I swear every year the fireworks there get BETTER and BETTER, they have definetly come A LONG way from when I was younger!! I am so glad we get 1 more day with Seth home!!



Lori said...

What a great weekend you had! Happy BD to Seth! Looks like you had a great party for him! I am now craving cake!!! I'm glad the fireworks in BC are still going strong. Many of these displays have gone by the wayside due to the economy...but yay for BC!!

Jodi Lansink said...

It was a fun birthday party with awesome cake!!! Looks like a fun 4th---if we are in town next year, we will for sure do the frog contest too! Looks like fun!! Also, glad to see you got Grandma AND Grandpa to the fireworks!!