Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Fun

So I FINALLY found my charger for my camera:) YAY!!!!!! I have some pictures from a couple of weeks ago when Ellie and Malia came over and played in the sprinkler with Blake and of Blake when we went fishing last weekend!!

AGAIN sorry sorry sorry I have NO pictures from the past week when my mom was here... Because I couldn't find my charger for my camera!! But most of you that read my blog look at Jodi's or my moms so you can check out the pictures there!!

Just wanted to share some photos of the past couple of weeks with you now though!!


Jodi Lansink said...

GREAT pictures!!!

Jamie said...

I took your advice on these ones too Jodi... They were all taken pretty far way (due to sprayin water) but I actually cropped ALL of them:) HEHE