Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Yesterday morning started out pretty stormy and rainy, we didn't have much planned for the day because I thought it was supposed to be yucky all day! I got a call from Seth around lunch time saying he was on his way home because it was too muddy and wet to work:) YAY!! By this time the sun was out and it was HOT outside, so we filled up the pool so we could play outside!! We enjoyed playing in the pool, having a popsicle, homemade pizza for supper and then to top it off Seth took Blake for a bike ride just the 2 of them (which I think they both enjoyed not having the girls tag along, HA)!!

Now our week has really begun, Seth is now at work for the week:( I hope the weather cooperates so we can get some swimming at the big pool in, playing at the park, and to go for a walk!! Hope everyone else has a good week!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Cute pictures---the pool is pretty cool! Isn't summer the best?!?!

Lori said...

I love the pool! Cute! Seems like you guys are really enjoying your summer so far! August will be fun!! Can't wait!