Monday, May 31, 2010

Our Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend! We started the weekend off by having a BBQ with some of Seth's family in Marcus on Saturday night! Sunday was a little chilly and windy but we had promised Blake we would go fishing this weekend, so we ventured over to Crawford in Battle Creek but it was MISERABLE... While there Grandpa Bob showed up and suggested we go to the pond behind Gomaco and it was a total HIT, it was nice and calm back there and Blake actually caught a fish (to your surprise my camera was dead so I didn't get a picture)! Today we just hung out and relaxed a little and got some more things done around the house and also celebrated my grandmas 84th birthday with a BBQ!! All in all it was a GREAT long weekend and couldn't have asked for a better 3 days!!

SO SO SO sorry I have NO pictures... But what else do you all expect from me:) HA

My mom is coming tomorrow from Denver to meet Miss Brylie!! So I promise I will get pictures then!! Its supposed to be nice so hopefully we can get to the pool and park while she is here!!

Hope everyone else had a WONDERFUL Memorial Day!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A little of EVERTHING!!!

I actually have quite a bit to post about tonight!! First of all I would like to wish all the mothers out there a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! Hope you all had a wonderful day!! My day was really good, I got to sleep in just a little, got a picture frame and a ceramic pot to plant flowers in outside!! So we made a trip to Bomgaars and got all our flowers and got them planted this afternoon!! I couldn't have asked for a better day with my family!!

Also this weekend was the MOD walk in Storm Lake for our angel Jillian Grace!! The weather was a little chilly, but we toughed it out, anything for Jillian!! Jodi and Adam had a great turn out of wonderful supporters!! It was a good way to remember Jillian!! (Sorry no pictures, they are all on Jodis blog)

We also this weekend FINALLY got our new furniture for our living room!! It has been a long time coming and we are LOVING it already!! It is so nice to actually have a matching couch and chair:) HA! We still have to find a TV stand and end table that we like and get things hung up on the walls, and paint and it will be 100% done, but for now I am SOOOOO happy to have NEW carpet and furniture!! THANK YOU so much to my dad for laying the carpet for us!! (The pictures are in OLD then New order)

Plus I finally got around to getting pictures taken of Kendra's room with all her wonderful gifts from her Baptism!! I was having a hard time figuring out how I was going to display everything, as her room is small and not much space for shelves either. But I had a book shelf that I had originally bought to put in there sitting in our computer room, so I put everything on it and it looks great in her room!! Plus I have a picture of the 'KENDRA LEE' frame that my Grandma and Grandpa got Kendra for Christmas, that has been up since Christmas just never got around to posting the picture!!

(this frame is hanging right inside her door in her room)

(this frame is hanging right next to her closet)

(the bookshelf)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

7 Months

Miss Kendra is 7 Months old already!! Well of course because I'm SLOW at blogging, so this is about a week late:) HEHE

Kendra is still 28in long and is 20 lbs!! She LOVES her baby food and her little PUFFS!! I guess I'm safe saying she LOVES LOVES LOVES to eat:) Takes after her dad for sure!! HAHA!!

She is quite the little peanut, she is so content entertaining herself and is ALWAYS smiling and happy!! I couldn't have asked for a better baby!!

She is a pro at crawling now, she like speed crawls a lot of time, mostly because she is going after Blake... She pulls herself up to EVERYTHING, and has just now started to get a little brave and walk along things and even a couple of times has gone from one piece of furniture to the next!! She will be walking before we know it!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spring Program

Tonight Blake had his first school program!! He has been very excited for weeks now to sing his songs for everyone!! I was also in the program with the little boy that I work with at school, so this was a big step for Blake to have Mommy right there without being able to be with me!! Even with me up there he did an AWESOME job singing his song (the second song he had his back turned to the audience looking at me)!! We are so proud of our little man, and can't believe he is almost done with his first year of school:( Where did my baby go?!?!
THANK YOU Jodi for getting pictures and video for me!! Also thank you to all our family that made it to watch Blake, he was pretty excited everyone was there for HIM!!