Sunday, March 7, 2010

5 Months

Miss Kendra is 5 months old already (well she was 5 months old Feb 28)

She is growing up so fast:( It makes me sad, but I love watching her grow and meet all her little milestones!!

We have started on cereal and baby food!! And OF COURSE she LOVES it!! Also she just cut her first TOOTH this weekend:) And she is sitting up for short periods of time by herself!! I feel like this 5 month mark has been the point of milestones!!

(She is sitting by herself in the picture)


Jodi Lansink said...

What a big girl! I think she is starting to look more like you Jamie---with the blue eyes in this picture!!!

Jamie said...

I thought the same thing the other day... She still looks like Seth a little, but I have been seeing a lot more of me then Seth!! YAY!!

Lori said...

She is growing up soo fast! What a cutie pie!

Can't wait to hold her!!!