Monday, February 22, 2010


So I have a couple of random photos to share!!

This time of year the deer are out like crazy around here, they start out at Moorehead park they cross the river and end up at the elevator here in town!! It is the craziest thing to see... They are right at the elevator eating the corn off the ground from the farmers!! There are a TON of them too, if you are local you should go through Moorehead and then by the elevator about 5:30-6:00 its quite the site!!

This picture was taken at the elevator, this was only about a third of what was there!!

This picture was taken out at Moorehead behind the ranger station, this deer was eating off that big pile of stuff, and would just stare at us when we drove by then went back to eating once we were out of site!!

Also, this weekend we went grocery shopping and got quite a bit of stuff, after we got everything unloaded and put away we noticed that we weren't going to run out of liquids around this house!! It seems to always end up that way for us, our fridge is usually packed FULL of liquids!! HAHA
There is 4 gallons of milk, 3 things of juice, 2 packages of juice boxes, Monsters for Seth, a pitcher of kool aid, powerades and in the door that I didn't take a picture of is a gallon of orange juice and several cans of pop because we couldn't fit the 12 packs in the fridge!!! HA! As long as I have something to drink I'm good:)


Jodi Lansink said...

We saw allt he deer the other night when we were at Pizza Hut---it was amazing---we lost count after about 100----there was wayyyy more than that! It got too dark for my pictures to turn out.

I am the same way----if my fridge is stocked with drinks, I am a happy girl!

Christi said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a fridge like that!! We actually have a second fridge just for our drinks. It doesn't last us long though. We go through 8-9 gallons of white milk, a gallon of chocolate, and a gallon of juice each week- People at costco always comment on how much milk I buy. Then top that off with juice boxes for cold lunch, and sports drinks, and we have a VERY full fridge!! We don't buy pop, so that is one less thing we have to stock.

Lori said...

I dont ever remember the deer showing up like that! That is too cool! Ahhhh liquids! If I am out of my liquids, I feel like I'm out of food!! I'm always drinking something...well, you guys know that! Some day I'll try and wean myself off of Diet Pepsi. At least I drink water all day at work, but at night I can crack open a can!!