Monday, December 14, 2009

A little of EVERYTHING

So instead of posting like 10 different posts I figured I would just put it all into 1 and do a slideshow of pictures for everyone instead!! We have had a busy month so far, from digging ourselves out after the snow storm, Christmas shopping, and Christmas parties and also a trip to Nemo on Ice!!

Seth's work does a kids Christmas party every year where the kids get to go the skate palace and skate and have all sorts of treats to eat!! Blake LOVED to skate, but I think he liked falling down even more:) Both kiddos got their picture taken with Santa and each got a gift at the end of the party. Blake got a big thing of Legos and Kendra got a baby doll!! (sorry no pictures) We also had his adult Christmas party last night at the country club, it was really nice as usual. The women all got beach bags with 2 beach towels and a mixing pitcher to mix some drinks, makes me want it to be summer already:) We had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed some much needed adult time with other adults while Jodi and Adam watched the kids for us!! THANK GUYS:)

We also went to Nemo on Ice in Sioux City this past weekened!! We met Adam, Jodi and the girls there, the kids really enjoyed the show, and I think us adults did too:) Was even better because we got FRONT ROW SEATS!!!

Now on to Christmas!!


MOM said...

Looks like a fun day! I'm ready for Summer too Jamie....will just have to be patient!

Lori said...

Love the picture of Blake outside! You had to pick the one with the booger hanging out of his nose!! LOL Jamie!

Jamie said...

ITS NOT A BOOGER!! HAHA... Seriously its not its snow for real... trust me I looked at it blown up and its SNOW!!! HAHAHA I wouldn't put a picture with a booger in his nose on here!! LOL

Jodi Lansink said...

I thought it was a booger too!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! Cute pictures----keep on blogging, you are doing good!!!