Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

This years Christmas is one that I think all of us will never forget!! We got slammed with 15-20 inches of snow starting Wednesday night!! There is SO much snow out there its not even fun anymore:) HAHA... We are lucky because we don't have to travel but across town, but even that was a struggle!! On top of all the snow my Grandpa Schafer wasn't feeling too good on Christmas morning so my dad ended up taking him up the hospital where they ran some tests and kept him overnight for some observations. We really missed having him at Christmas but we are very thankful that he was in a good place to get himself better!!

We started our festivities off on Thursday morning heading over to my sister Jodis house to open our presents from our Denver family!! After that we headed home and made a yummy steak and shrimp supper then opened presents here at home!! Blake was so cute this year opening presents, he couldn't get enough!! Miss Kendra really didn't know what to think, she just kept starring at all the presents! Next year will be more exciting with her as she will be a little over a year old then:) I can't wait for that!! Santa came, so we opened his presents in the morning then headed to Grandma and Grandpa Schafers house. After there we went to Seth's dads house!! We had such a wonderful time everywhere and got a lot of good gifts and of course enjoyed all the family time with everyone!!

Everything is all put away and the house is back to normal... Until next year:)


The Hamann Family said...

glad you had a good Christmas!!! Your kiddos are so darn cute! :)

Jodi Lansink said...

cute little kendra and crazy blake from ellie