Thursday, December 31, 2009


This year we aren't doing anything but sit at home and eat some yummy snacks, play some games and maybe watch a movie!! This year has been full of lots of ups and downs and full of lots of good and bad memories! I am so excited to see what 2010 brings!

For the past few years I have always said I was going to make some resolutions but have never really stuck to them, I guess because they were probably silly resolutions.. HA!

My number one resolution this year is to not dwell on the things that I can not change, I have spent way to much time this year worrying about things that I can't change. I am going to try and let things not bother me as much and worry about myself and my children!!

My second resolution is to be more organized!! I am the WORST at just stuffing things into drawers or in a closet and then I have the worst anxiety about how much JUNK we have piled up!!

My third resolution is improve on my wife skills and parenting skills. I know I slack sometimes with my husband and my children and want to put them first over other priorities!

I hope everyone has a wonderful new year and I hope that 2010 brings much joy and happiness into everyones lives!!


1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh Jamie...If you try and stick with those resolutions, trust will be very happy! I'm going to try and stick with mine. We all could ALWAYS be better people. and Jodi are TOPS in my book!!!