Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween and Big Boy Bed

Just wanted to show everyone our little MONKEY at Halloween and Blake in his BIG BOY BED!!! Nothing else new around here just working on getting done with my last month of classes for the semester.


Jodi Lansink said...

cute little monkey and love the bog boy bedding!!!

Anonymous said...

So that's the Little Mans BIG BOYZ BED huh.. One of these days i'll have to walk all the way down the alley and check out his room..

Anonymous said...

Love the big boy bed! Cute little monkey!

Jodi Lansink said...

LOVE the new background!!!!! :)
It needed a facelift!

Anonymous said...

The background is very cute!

Jamie said...

Thanks... It does look awesome!! Thanks Jodi:) HAHA

Anonymous said...

How is little Blakers doing? Call me to give me an update! Love you!!