Monday, September 22, 2008

1 YEAR!!

Can you believe it, Seth and I have been married a year already, crazy, where does the time go?? We have had an awesome first year, and can't wait for many many more years to come!! In celebration Seth and I went to Omaha this last weekend and stayed at the Settle Inn, in one of the theme rooms, it was AMAZING!! The Lansinks watched Blake for us for the night. We didn't do much while in Omaha, we went out to eat at the Olive Garden (my FAV) then back to the motel and watched TV... Nothing too interesting but it was nice spending time ALONE (which we NEVER get to do anymore) and we were sleeping by 10:30!!! Thank you Lansinks for watching Blakers for us, it sounds like he had a blast and i'm glad he was good for you:) The big joke around here for the past year has been our damn cake in the freezer!! I am superstitious sometimes and so I saved the top of our cake so we could eat it tonight, Seth has been waiting all year to get that thing out of our freezer, he doesn't have to wait any longer!! Sorry there are no pictures of anything, leave it to me:)


Jodi Lansink said...

Congrats!!!! Many good years still to come!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! Sounds like you had a really nice relaxing time in Omaha!
Many many many more happy years to come!
Love you!